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Casey Roberts, AHC, C-IAYT


Sevanti Wellness Clinic Director | Ayurveda Counselor & Yoga Therapist

Casey is a certified Ayurvedic Counselor and Yoga Therapist located in Westchester, New York. He founded his private practice, Peak Balance Wellness, to make Ayurveda and Yoga accessible to modern lifestyles. Casey serves as the Director of Sevanti Wellness.

Casey discovered these practices in search of a simple, natural approach to life that supports true health and happiness. With a career in film production, these practices became essential to keeping a work-life balance while living and working in multiple cities and countries, relying on convenience foods, and maintaining an unpredictable schedule. With over a decade of experience, he shares simple, effective, and adaptable practices to find lasting balance and improve overall quality of life. For more information, visit


Ayurveda Counseling | Initial Consultation (Online)

Ayurveda Counseling | Follow-up Consultation (Online)

Yoga Therapy | Initial Consultation (Online)

Yoga Therapy | Follow-up Consultation (Online)

Specialties and Expertise

Corporate Wellness/Wellness for the Workplace
Stress Management
Anxiety and GAD

Client Focus
