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Three Pillars of Team Practice

Solving an Age-old Problem

Sevanti Wellness was created to solve a lingering problem within the wellness community: Most graduates of wellness training programs fail to thrive in their practice, and as many as 80% of them stop practicing within the first year. What happens to the spark they enjoyed during their training? What distinguishes those who thrive in their practice from those who do not?

Conversations with dozens of school owners and practitioners reveal that it came down to three missed opportunities: a lack of practitioner community (i.e., missed connectedness, shared inspiration), the lack of professional development and mentorship, and the lack of tools to link the practitioner with potential lead clients (i.e., virtual tools). With the rise of telemedicine during the pandemic, we saw an opportunity to solve all three of these limitations. We call these solutions:

The Three Pillars of Team Practice: Community Practice, Professional Development, and Virtual Tools.

Pillar 1 – Community Practice

It’s no surprise that healers grow best in community. The Sevanti Wellness Team Practice serves as a community lifeline to those who work in solo or home practices. Isolation and practicing “in the dark” are no longer inevitable. Sevanti Wellness has centralized a community of healers to support you and your practice. Share with each other and learn from each other. We offer the social glue, mentorship, and virtual tools to build the practice competency needed for practitioners to grow. As humans, we can only grow together. We hope you will join us.

Community Solutions

Practice in a Community of Your Peers — Practicing alone can be disempowering and alienating. With virtual practice, community is just a Zoom meeting away. Join the SW Team Practice and immerse yourself in professional, social, academic, and clinical teamwork. Learn from and share with your peers. Set up a referral network that reciprocates. Enroll in our mentorship program. Practicing in a clinical community nourishes your gifts, like water and sunshine, to a garden.

Practitioner and Leadership Support — All directors and member practitioners agree to support one another. Gain access to our wide range of clinical and academic professionals who can provide advice and support on a limitless range of issues impacting your practice.

  • Post clinical questions on your department’s Slack channel. Give and receive feedback in the spirit of community support.
  • Practitioners within each practice department form a community support network. Learn from your team.
  • Clinical feedback on challenging cases. Improve your case management skills.
  • Grow your practice by offering workshops to showcase your expertise.
  • Professional development workshops to help you improve business skills and meet your practice goals.
  • Position opportunities such as mentoring, teaching, and tutoring

Bi-weekly Clinical Gatherings — Each clinical department – Ayurveda Counseling, Yoga Therapy, and Vedic Astrology- will hold its own virtual meetings every two to four weeks. Learn clinical skills from and share with your peers. Present challenging case reports for feedback. Use this time to share clinical methods, present findings from your work, share new practice methods, and share resources relevant to each discipline’s unique practice system.

Monthly Informal Gatherings — Once a month, SW will offer casual virtual meetings, open to practice members across all three departments, to meet and greet, learn from each other’s practices and specialties, and deepen social connections. These meetings are the perfect space to ask questions and brainstorm new ideas. Whether concerning your practice, managing clients, workshops, or anything else relevant to the Sevanti sangha, these monthly virtual calls are the backbone of our community of practitioners.

Cross Referrals – Receive and send referrals from practice members across all disciplines at Sevanti Wellness. Create your own network of SW team member referrals that will reciprocate with their referrals to you. If you are an Ayurveda Counselor, send your client to one of our Ayurveda Nutritionists to create a customized meal plan. If you are a Vedic Astrologer and you sense that your client needs physical support for a recent injury, send them to one of our Yoga Therapists. If a client’s health is not responding to standard care, send them to a Jyotishi. The issue may be in their chart. Highlight your practice specialty topics on your Practitioner Profile page, and others will refer clients to you.

Pillar 2 – Professional Development

In our research, we found that in addition to the lack of community, most wellness practitioners also lacked basic business acumen and an interest to seek it out. After all, didn’t we become healers to create an alternative lifestyle for ourselves that wasn’t business-focused? What if the business skills were taught by those we respected most within our community of healer practitioners? What if the very people we admired for their success were now inspiring our own?

The SW Professional Development Program enables our Team Practitioners to share and discover new skills in clinical settings with the support and guidance of their professional peers. For those interested in being challenged by more experienced practitioners and teachers, we are offering a Mentorship Program that includes mentors with greater experience and specialization within their discipline. In addition to the community peer exchange that comes with general SW membership, our mentors offer one-on-one support at a higher standard of guidance.

Each department (Ayurveda Counseling, Yoga Therapy, and Vedic Astrology) will develop a unique mentorship program based on the needs and practices within their discipline. Check with the Department Director for more details.

Professional Development Solutions

Professional Development: We want to empower your practice. In addition to community, we offer in-house mentorships, professional development workshops, online recorded courses from practice management instructors, downloadable PDFs, and continued education to help you rise and expand your practice skillset.

Choose a mentorship track:

Clinical Track | This track will focus on the best practices for case management and advanced clinical skills required to improve client outcomes more effectively. Most of these skills are not taught in schools and come from years and sometimes decades of experience. They are unique to each practice discipline and focus on building realistic and effective treatment plans and improving patient compliance.

Practice Management Track | This track will focus on the business development skills needed to grow your practice. Skills include practice management, marketing, brand building, mindset, virtual tools, and reciprocal referrals.

Educational Track | This track will focus on the skills required to teach your area of practice confidently. Skills include curriculum development, effective communication, storytelling, ethics, handouts/manuals/visual aids, course structure, course duration, team teaching, marketing and enrollment, virtual and in-person etiquette, teacher-student boundaries, live and recorded streaming, platforms that support online teaching, and the use of social media.

Pillar 3 – Virtual Tools

The SW Virtual Tools enable our Team Practitioners to access new client leads around the worldwide from the comfort of home. Our virtual tools include access to our client booking platform, automated notifications, encrypted data storage, and intake forms. All are included in the flat monthly membership fee. Control your availability and rates. Client payments are deposited directly into your bank account. DM team members and mentors on our Slack channel. Each department (Ayurveda Counseling, Yoga Therapy, and Vedic Astrology) will have their own Slack channel and communications. Check with the Department Director for more details.

Virtual Platform Solutions

Virtual Practice Tools include:

– Booking software included – book clients from your profile page on SW website and/or your website.
– Payment processing requires clients to prepay for your services upon booking.
– Control your rates and hours of availability.
– Booking links and widgets – can easily be plugged into your existing website.
– Zoom links are automatically emailed to your clients upon booking.
– Clinical forms – optional client intake and clinical forms to give your practice additional structure.
– Use of team Slack channel for group and individual communications