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Katie Allen


Ayurveda Student Clinic Intern

Katie received her Master’s degree in Public Health from Tulane University. She wrote her Master’s thesis on Yoga’s ability to prevent and treat chronic disease and that has been her life’s work ever since! She studied yoga therapy in the lineage of Krishnamacharya with her teachers Ruth (Sraddhasagar) Hartung, Larry Payne, Robert Birnberg, Amy Wheeler, and the KYM faculty in Chennai, India. She opened Be The Change Yoga Studio and Natural Health Center in Irvine, CA in 2013 with her teaching partner Allison Prince. Together they have been leading Yoga Teacher Training Programs since 2010, Katie loves sharing the life-enhancing wisdom of the Yoga Sutras as way to upgrade every single aspect of life. Katie launched OC’s first and only Yoga Therapist Training in 2016 and is the Founding School Director for AlcheMe Yoga Therapy Training. She is passionate about bringing the empowerment based lifestyle medicine principles out of the yoga studios and into under-served communities, as well as hospitals and health systems. She utilizes her background in Public Health to effectively build community-based yoga therapy and health education programs to improve personal and community health, while training the next generation of integrative health providers. She has been studying Ayurveda for over 10 years with Eleni Tsikrikas and Mas Vidal. She most recently formalized her Ayurveda education with James Bailey at the Sevanti Institute and is extremely excited to start working with clients using the natural health tools of Ayurveda.


Ayurveda Counseling | Student Clinic Intern | Initial Consultation (Online)

Ayurveda Counseling | Student Clinic Intern | Follow-up Consultation (Online)

Ayurveda Counseling | Student Clinic Intern | Bundle Three Follow-up Consultations (Online)

Ayurveda Intern Services

The Student Clinic services include traditional Ayurveda consultations, traditional Ayurveda dosha assessments, and diagnostics, personalized Ayurvedic nutritional and lifestyle plans, customized herbal therapy plans, home cleansing, daily routines, and the use of appropriate Ayurvedic oils, and more.